Blank Slate and a Return to Innocence

Blank Slate and a Return to Innocence

We all start off as a blank slate. We enter the world without language, knowing nothing about the world we have been born into. We have no name, no gender identity, no sense of who or what we are. Time ticks by, we realize there are sounds and sights, smells and sensations. We do not realize they are separate from us; they occur within us. More time ticks by we begin to realize those experiences are happening to us. We learn we have a name. We learn the sounds we hear have meaning and slowly we begin to get the idea that we are individuals. We become aware of being separate entities from other people with a name, gender identity, religion, marital status and all kinds of defining labels.

My invitation to you is when any event occurs in your life, refrain from the usual story telling about what you experienced. What if you could meet that life event from the perspective of a newborn baby. In this moment right now meet what is happening without thought or language. Meet what is happening right now without launching into our usual mode of judgment, without concepts of ‘’this is good or bad, right or wrong.” Approach this moment as if you are a newborn baby. Simply notice your experience from the place of witnessing and allowing. While you do this ask yourself the following questions.

Who is aware of this moment?

Who are you without the mental narrative?

Do you disappear without the narrative?

What do I remain AS?

Do this often and notice what you experience from a feeling perspective. You will most likely hear your brain and thoughts telling you, “This is boring… there is nothing here for me.” Your brain will be right, there is nothing there for you. Look even beyond that. Notice what lies behind your thoughts and judgments. With repetition and over time you will discover something truly remarkable and worthwhile. You will want to experience that over and over again.

38807 Ann Arbor Rd Ste 9
Livonia, MI 48150
(734) 772-0148